Here is an illustration that I was going to paint for Ace Hotel until I realized how long it would take to create it on a 6'x8' canvas. I decided to recycle the image and throw it on threadless. Although the illustration is great, in my opinion, it only got a rating of 2.something. I can thank those people that go on threadless and vote 1 on everyone in order for their designs to look better. How do I know this? Because my wife told me she did that very same thing. It's a waste of time, really... and kind of funny too.
Hi ! Nice work, colour and the illustration. Not too sure what threadless means - might as well print big on special paper that can be glued to the wall! Make it digital too!
Anyway, rating this illustration - what's 1 and 2 ; that is 10 out of 10 !
Ah! Pardon me for being brief about my post. Threadless, in a nutshell, is an online community-centered online apparel store. People in the community submit designs and they vote on them to see which one is the best and print them.
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